Saturday, 26 January 2013

Hell 6

Sell your flat.

Get some money.

I sat on the street blowing frosty smoke rings, people bringing me cookies from Costa with matching coffee.

I feel like a child of the world as I still have blood under my bones and I can see it running and that I can break it and shatter it, that it can run cold as I sit to people who have homes but pretend to be out in the world.

They read the bible.

I don’t, I just smoke the air one by one, offering coffee to myself and I have as much money as the other fake hobos do.

I don’t take money,

instead I scratch the sin out of my ears.

I want to yank my lip out and a girl watches me, grinning and I run from the bus stop dropping more children with dolls in their hands, running towards the blue as if I would collapse


I'm shamelessly taking the slot for another chapter of Hell:3 I hope you don't mind xD

Feel free to request:3


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